January 19, 2011

Junk Mail

In the current issue of Sunset magazine, there were some website suggestions to rid your mailbox of that sneaky junk mail. This is one of the simplest ways to reduce your trash/recycle. Check out these two websites: dmachoice.org & catalogchoice.org

I'm sure there are more but I used these two and it took me about 20 minutes to complete the sections. It's free and you can take your name off of the mailer lists for catalogs, credit card applications, phone books and so on.

Now go get rid of your junk mail!

January 17, 2011


One of my main goals for this next year is to simplify. It seems like such an easy task but it can be super daunting. I read articles and blogs about people and families changing their lives to be more sustainable and simplistic all the time. One family has reduced their yearly garbage to a handful, the other only spends $40 dollars on clothes a year for a family of four. Although this would be wonderful, it would take drastic changes in my lifestyle to do so. So, I am going to take baby steps to reduce my waste, simplify my belongings, and spend less.

My goal is to post tips and ideas for you to apply in your own life in hopes to make things a bit simpler.

More to some soon!