Mission accomplished. After sharing my dreams of school, life, and the pursuit of owning a business, Ryan (my district manager) assured me of an ambiguous future. Although I know He was irritated with my decision, especially with all the adversity that has already occurred, Ryan remained calm, cool, collect the whole time. I respect this guy a lot. Here I am, seasoning an already half eatin' shit sandwich while he sits across from me taking bites and smiling. Impressive. I have no clue what my future with Starbucks will look like, but I will keep you posted.
*Just remember* If you currently work for Starbucks, this blog doesn't exist. The information I have shared with you doesn't exist. And if it does...you may not exist (dun dun duuuunnnnnn) :)
Next up, Jess. This self proclaimed "main author of this blog" has been under the weather. She woke up at 2am Wednesday morning with a case of the pukes. I had to work at 4:30am, so I got her a glass of water, rubbed her back, and went back to bed...don't judge me, she's a big girl and I was tired. The good news is that after multiple trips to the store for supplies, and me sleeping on the couch, Jess is better, and I have redeemed myself. Her fever broke early yesterday morning, leaving our bed soaked in her sweat. Eewwwww. Don't worry, she sanitized everything with her new found strength. And life returns.
Last night my Dad and Jen came into portland for a wedding this weekend. Jess and I had the pleasure of hosting them for a few hours. After checking out some food pods, and grabbing a beer at the Belmont Station, we found ourselves at Pambiche. This was Jen's first attempt at Cuban cuisine, and I'm happy to announce that it was a success. Although I felt their dinner menu was a little over priced, the food was very tasty. As a group, we decided that our favorite part was the appetizers, fried plantains (both sweet and savory).
Finally, I would like to share with the blogasphere that Jess and I are one step closer to being more Portland. WE GOT A MOPED!!!!!! And here is a pic!

There is much much more I would like to share, but I will save it for another time. Thanks for reading!!!
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